Updated 7/26/2015

Scroll down to the end for latest messages. - latest messages at end.

USS Panamint
Message Board

Joe Bursca at 608-271-4199;  E-mail: molle1@charter.net
Joe sends the link to a web page that contains a picture of USS Panamint: Pictures Link

From: <twinjerry@att.net>
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 9:16 PM
Subject: Panamint Information

Rich: Greetings from St.Louis. Joe Brusca forwarded to me the information you were kind enough to put on your web site. I was a radioman on the Panamint from 44 to 46 and do remember hearing the "torpedo message" by Adm. Riefsnider. I planned and hosted the Panamint reunion here in St. Louis in 2002. Had 47 in attendance. Not bad for a bunch of old guys. Would appreciate being on your list to receive any additional info on the "Lucky 13"

 Thank you.....Jerry Schneider


From: walter sutter
To: richard@wham.org
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 8:20 AM
Subject: Panamint address


First I would like to tell you that I am the secretary for the reunion of the
Panamint and I found out from Joe Brusca at our reunion in WI that your
Dad is still alive and doing well.  I had been informed that he had passed
away, but am glad to hear he is still with you.  I send out birthday and
anniversary cards to the members and their wives to remember them and if
they are ill, a get-well card.  Sympathy cards are also sent with a white
cross.  Would you be so kind to send me the date of your Dad's birthday,
along with your mothers and their anniversary.  Thank you for caring to
carry on the spirit of the Panamint.  Thank you also for putting the information
on the web.  I do not know enough about the computer yet to do this but
would appreciate you doing it.  What do you need for the web site and when
do you need to get it out.  We have a newsletter that will go out in December
and the next reunion will be posted in it.  Thanks for any information.

Shirley Sutter, sec.
"walter sutter" <wpsasutter@msn.com>

In regards to the web page:

Out of love and honor to my dad and all others who served with him, I would be happy to keep the web page up and going.  I can rename it "U.S.S. Panamint Reunion Committee" or whatever you think appropriate.  It would be best for me if you can send any information you want posted in the form of  word.doc file attachment, although email message such as below will be ok.  If you have a list of people who attended the reunion, and news about the reunion, I would be happy to post it.  The news letter also.  And any other messages, news, etc. Please attempt to send me any information in some kind of electronic format as attachments - word.doc, etc. or  email so I do not have to retype it.  As long as I am alive and well enough to do this kind of web  work, I would be honored to serve you. (I'm almost 71.)  It goes without saying - no charge.  In all you correspondence, be sure to let everyone know what the web site address is: http://www.wham.org/Panamint/

Hope to hear from you.

Richard Wham
Henderson, KY


September 31, 2004
Hi Richard,
    I am writing on behalf of my father in law John Daniel Yamber. He was a second class boatswains mate in the 2nd division between 1944 and 1946 on the U.S.S. Panamint. I have been printing anything that I can find on the internet. He can't get around very well and he is really enjoying the pictures and articles that I find on the net. He asked if I could get a roster of the ship. I told him I didn't believe I could, but I would look around. If there were any way possible, John would be at the reunion, but unfortunately his health precludes this. I would appreciate any information or names or pictures of the Panamint and crew that you may have. Say hello for John at the reunion, I'm sure someone will remember him.
Thank you
Andy Botto


From: RTripp6371@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 4:25 PM
Subject: USS Panamint

Richard, I am a retired Naval Officer with the rank of Commander.  I just celebrated my 91st Birthday on 1 October.  I was assigned to the Panamint and boarded her at Guadalcanal.I was a Lt(jg) at that time, My primary job was custodian of crypto publications and coding machines with collateral duty to the staff of Amphibious Group Four.  I left the ship in Sasebo to return to Washington, DC for a duty assignment. Later served a tour of duty in London and later to Naval Forces Air Defense Command in Colorado Springs. I was then assigned to the staff of Commander Amphibious Force 2 in Norfolk/Little Creek, VA.. I retired from the Navy in July 1965 with 23 years of service.  I still have vivid memories off my duty while serving on the "Lucky l3". I served at the Communications Officer on the USS Antietam (CVS-36) for 18 months. The Antietam was the first carrier to have an angled deck installed which was a historical event.
So much of this malarkey.
Warmest regards from an old, old sailor.

Robert (Bob) Tripp

PS My wife and I celebrated our 63 wedding Anniversary on the 19th of April.

From: joe brusca
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 11:06 AM
Subject: reunion

 My wife Pat and I with the help of our four children hosted the reunion this year. We had 39 persons attend including Dr Mcnamara's son Bill and his daughter Sheila Macnamara Zeigler.  Everyone had a great time and the weather was perfect. I will soon send a disk with the pictures of the reunion.  Sorry that the veterans that were ill could not attend and we wish them well.

Thank you all

Joe and Pat

From: "Gary Priolo" <gpriolo@navsource.org <mailto:gpriolo@navsource.org
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2004 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: USS Panamint]

 We have added a link from our Panamint page to the Panamint web site as
 requested. It will be in our 11October update. Keep us informed as to the
 next reunion so that we can also post that information on the page here at
 Gary Priolo
 ----- Original Message -----
 From: "Paul R. Yarnall" <pry@navsource.org <mailto:pry@navsource.org
 To: <gpriolo@navsource.org <mailto:gpriolo@navsource.org
 Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 10:09 PM
 Subject: [Fwd: USS Panamint]

  -------- Original Message --------
  Subject: USS Panamint
  From: "Richard Wham"
Date: Thu, October 7, 2004 20:33
  To: <webmaster@NavSource.Org <mailto:webmaster@NavSource.Org

  Thank you for the information about the Panamint. The "Panamint Reunion
  Committee" has some information which is of interest to the members of
  the crew.

  Please see our web site: <http://www.wham.org/Panamint/>

  If you could put a link on your web site, it would help the crew members
  and their families communicate.

  Thanks in advance.

  Richard Wham
  Henderson, KY
  Paul R Yarnall
  Navsource Naval History

From: "glenn lippert" <panamintagc13@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 12:45 PM
Subject: Your panamint web site

 What a great job, really enjoyed it.  Was on the staff
 of Rear Admiral Riefsnider ComPhipGrp 4 living aboard
 the  Panamint during most of my navy enlistment.

 Had been on 3 other AGC's, but most of the time on the
 AGC13.  I use it for my email address.See Below

 This is great I am bookmarking it for future reference.

----- Original Message -----
From: ben ashley
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2004 6:12 AM
Subject: USS Panamintnt

My father, Ben Henry Ashley was on the Panamint, I believe 1945-1946, he was a fireman first class. Just a kid of seventeen at the time.  He is now disabled residing in the missouri veterans home @ cape girardeau, mo.
He is a great man and wonderful father. Men like that "his generation" could teach us all something about life.

ben david ashley


From: walter sutter <mailto:wpsasutter@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 5:49 AM
Subject: USS Panamint

Deepest sympathy to Maureen Regan and the family on the passing of
Ray Regan. No exact date, but it was the week of October 10, 2004.
Ray was a RDM 2/C in K division and on board the U.S.S. Panamint in 44/45.

From: joe brusca <mailto:molle1@charter.net>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 9:03 AM
Subject: Fw: USS Panamint reunion photo CD
----- Original Message -----
From: WILLIAM MACNAMARA Jr <mailto:billmac@snet.net>
To: joe brusca <mailto:molle1@charter.net>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 6:46 AM
Subject: USS Panamint reunion photo CD

Joe, I received the CD yesterday in the mail and really enjoyed it. You and your family hosted a terrific reunion and it was a pleasure to be invited to attend. My sister, Sheila and I had a great time. It was such a delight to be with real Americans who gave up so much to make things so nice for people like me. My father was very fortunate to be on a ship with good men like you and your shipmates. You are all the salt of the earth and very gracious to include our family. Please stay in touch
Bill Macnamara

----- Original Message -----
From: "Johnston, Chip - Office of the Lt. Governor"
To: <molle1@charter.net>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 11:47 AM
Subject: Photo with Lt. Governor Lawton

> Mr. Brasca,
> Enclosed are some photos of your visit to Lt. Governor Lawton's
> office. I hope these photos are satisfactory, if not please let me know so
> that I can try to locate any other photos of your visit that we may have.
> Thanks so much for your visit, and take care.
> Sincerely,
> Chip Johnston
> Chip Johnston
> Operations Special Assistant
> Office of Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton
> 19 E. State Capitol
> Madison, WI 53702
> 608-266-3516
> chip.johnston@ltgov.state.wi.us

----- Original Message -----
From: "glenn lippert" <panamintagc13@yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 4:52 PM
Subject: Evans Hadley

 I have a special interest in the Evans and the Hadley.
  I was on the Panamint at Okinawa when these two
 valiant ships limped back after being battered by the
 kamazie.  They were serving about 50 miles out as a
 radar picket line giving us at Okinawa early warning.
 My battle station was up high on the bridge plotting
 out incoming air raids and keeping track of incoming

 The Evans and the Hadley had decks awash and were all
 torn apart, but floating as they crept past us on the

 I often wonder how many lives were saved by their
 effort, perhaps even mine.Their effort was a great
 one, never to be forgotten

From: "Kevin Kline" <kfknphilly@aol.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:21 PM
Subject: USS Panamint AGC-13

> Dear Sir,
> My grandfather, Gerald "Jerry" Fallon, was aboard the USS Panamint. I
> have pictures from the ship, as well as entire crew photos if you are
> interested. Thank you for making such a great website.
> Kevin Fallon Kline
From: walter sutter
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 4:35 AM
Subject: Earl in hospital
Just a note to tell everyone that Fred Earl is in the hospital with a blood clot in his leg. He is being treated and will come home probably next Monday or Tuesday. If anyone is interested in sending a card, his address is: 596 Hoagerburgh Rd. Wallkill NY 12589 Another member not feeling up to par is Harold Austin. We just received word that he is unable to continue with chairing the reunion in 2005 and now we will be going to the alternate choice for 2005. Branson. We wish both men a speedy recovery. Harold's address is: 3727 Arrowhead Trail, Kingsport, TN 37664


From: Jerry Schneider <twinjerry@yahoo.com>
To: twinjerry@att.net
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 02:35:14 +0000

Richard: this is a photo of  my twin brother,  Harvey and me  and me on the fantail of the Panamint during occupation of Japan  while anchored at Sasebo,  Japan in 1945.  He was a medic in the army in Europe. After the surrender over there, he was sent to Nagoya, Japan. Through the efforts of the Red Cross, he was able to come the short distance to Sasebo and stayed aboard the Panamint overnight. Needless to say, we had a helluva reunion.  (Feel free to put this photo on the Panamint website.     Thanks,.........Jerry Schneider


----- Original Message -----
From: walter sutter
To: Arthur Sommer ; Barb Weber ; Bill Macnamara ; Charles/Anita Wilson ; Cheatham Hodges Jr. ; Donald Jeffrey ; Duke ; Ed Sedlock ; Edward Fitzgerald ; Edward Murphy ; edwin ; Glenn Lippert ; Harold ; JC Councill ; Jerry Schneider ; Joe Brusca ; John/Charmaian McLemore ; Larry Campoli ; Margaret Sullivan ; philip ; Phyllis Collette ; ray ; Richard Wham ; Robert Ingram ; Robert Tripp ; William Flanagan
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 7:23 AM
Subject: Panamint member passed away

Dear friends, Jack passed away this morning.  He waged a good battle, but the cancer finally won.

The memorial service is going to be Monday at 11, with visitation at 10, at Woodland Chapel Presbyterian Church.  Please keep us in your prayers.

God bless you,

Doris Hudson

Dear Richard,
I too am a son of a communications officer (First Lieutenant, I believe) that served aboard the 'Panamint'. Your dad and mine were both among the oldest on board and were both often referred to as 'Dad' or 'Pop'! Your dad must have known mine. My father's name is Charles S. Diehl, but he was known to everyone as 'Steve'. No, his middle initial 'S' didn't stand for Steve. He was nicknamed Steve by his older brother when my Dad was 3 - a fun story is behind it that perhaps I'll share with you later. The name really stuck because I was named after my father as 'Stephen' and not Charles...
In any case, my father is no longer living. He would have been 95 if he were alive today. He died in 1996, in Fort Myers, FL, where he retired and lived from 1972. I was going through some things of his that I have saved and I found a number of items, letters, and pictures related to life aboard the Panamint. My dad always said that his war years were among the very best of his life and he talked about it often with me. Despite the large age gap between us - he was 55 when I was born, I'm 40 now - we were extremely close. I was given first hand account of much of what was written in the official record on the Panamint website. Thank you, by the way, for having done such a wonderful job.
If you and your dad and any others would be interested, I would be happy to scan and attach whatever I have to a future email.
My father was proud to have served with the men of the Panamint and if I had been more diligent in the past, I know my dad would have loved to be reunited with the others like your father. I'm so very sorry I didn't work harder, sooner, to find you.
Dick, I forgot to mention that the second picture is of the landing party at Ominato.

Very best regards,
Steve Diehl

411 Avenue D
Horsham, PA 19044
(please feel free to email, write, or call anytime)


----- Original Message -----
From: Vicky Franklin

Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:13 AM
Subject: USS Panamint

I am the Daughter of the late Leonard E. [ Buddy] Ratliff. I am so happy I found this Web page. I was looking up the ship he was on and found it. I wish he was here to see this. He would have really enjoyed seeing all of this. He went to heaven in 1986. I'm sending some pictures that I hope you enjoy and to see if anyone remembers my Dad. He was a wonderful father and husband. He loved to draw as you can see in one of the pictures of the eagle. Which he had a tatoo of. If anyone remembers him I would love to hear from you.
 Thanks to all of you for serving and protecting the USA and God be with you.
 My husband serve in the Vetnam war with a purple heart.
 Thanks again,
Vicky Franklin


July 29, 2005
Passing on the information just received this morning about Jerry Schneider.

Just received a telephone call from Rick Schneider a few moments ago to
inform me Jerry passed away last evening.

Details of the funeral, etc. will be posted on the funeral home's 'website later today or by tomorrow morning. Website address is :
Funeral Home telephone number is :

Best Regards,
Ted Branthoover


August 30, 2005

Message received from Dave Anthony, Radio Technician on the USS Panamint in 1945 & 1946.  He sent pictures of the USS Minivet, ( See Article ).  Here are the pictures he sent:  Pic#1Pic#2 .  David now lives in Columbus, TX.  email: bettydave@elc.net


  From: "Kevin Kline" <kfknphilly@aol.com

  Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:21 PM
  Subject: USS Panamint AGC-13

  Dear Sir,

  My grandfather, Gerald "Jerry" Fallon, was aboard the USS Panamint. I
  have pictures from the ship, as well as entire crew photos if you are
  interested. Thank you for making such a great website.

  Kevin Fallon Kline

Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 9:43 PM
Subject: USS apanmint
Richard, is the USS panamint website still active? I was trying to find it and was unable to see it. My dad was the surgeon on the Panamint. Please advise. Thank you for your courtesy and consideration.
Best regards,
Bill Macnamara
From: "Michael Murphy" <mjmurphy9@comcast.net

Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:53 PM
Subject: USS Panamint and My Great Uncle John Ramsay SM3c


 I'm writing this after receiving my great uncle's service record in the mail
 today. He passed away in the mid 1980's but I am still in contact with his
 wife Pat who still resides in Rhode Island. Through my parents, she has
 sent my John's cracker jack uniform which I am most proud to be the
 custodian of. I've done a fair amount of research on the USS Panamint and
 have enjoyed the correspondence I have thus far received from former
 crewmembers. I am still active duty Navy, an aviator (helicopters) and most
 proud of my uncle's service. I suspect I'll retire in 2-3 years here in
 Annapolis. I just wanted to establish contact with whomever might have
 known my uncle. He passed away, immensely proud of his Naval Academy great
 nephew. I still wonder if his passing had anything to do with his
 volunteered shore duty in the Emergency Occupation of the Ominato Guard
 District from 7-19 Sep 45.

 Looking forward to corresponding w/anyone regarding the USS Panamint.


 Mike Murphy

 Work michael.murphy2@jsc.mil


From: joe brusca
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 8:12 AM
Subject: USS Panamint

Dear Richard,
 Merry Christmas to you, your family and your dad.Merry Christmas to all my ship mates.Thanks for all the cards you have sent.
 On our 2004 reunion held in Madison my grandson Chief Warrant Officer Sean Brusca made a special trip from Ft. Campbell, KY.to attend the reunion. His pictures are in the links. He is now command pilot of his Apache and is on his second tour of duty in Iraq. He has two little boys Joey 4 and Tommy 9 months. Pray for his safe return.

Joe Brusca


Can anybody help Andy Botto find email address for Larry Colette?

From: Andy Botto
To: 'Richard Wham'
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 12:06 PM
Subject: RE: Panamint Message Board

Hi Richard,

            Larry Colette sent my father-in-law, John Yamber a shipmate on the Panamint, and I believe it would make a wonderful addition to your web site. I have just updated my system and lost some of my e-mail addresses. I would appreciate if you or someone would forward Larry&rsquo;s e-mail to me so that my father-in-law can continue to correspond with Larry. Thank you.

Andy Botto


From Richard Wham (WebKeeper)
March 15, 2006
Henderson, KY

Dad, Lt. jg Fred L. Wham, Jr. died at his home in  Centralia, Illinois, March 13, 2006.  He was just a few hours short of his 96 Birthday.
Thank You Note


From: walter sutter
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 8:34 AM
Subject: USS Panamint
Shipmate, Edward Farrell, of 65 Gauthier Rd, Barre, MA passed away
on January 30, 2006.

Cc: Kevin Macnamara ; walter sutter ; Sheila Ziegler ; Joe Busca ; Fred & Betty Earl
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: Dad's "Crossing the Line"
Richard, I am very sorry to hear of the passing of your Dad. He must have been quite a man. I hope that I get to meet you someday, possibly at the reunion. My Dad was also on the Panamint and our family plans on attending.
You have done a magnificent job with the USS Panamint website, making it possible for all those who have access to computers to share the wondeful pictures and history of the ship and her terrific crew. Our prayers are with you and your family as you celebrate your dad's life. God Bless!
Bill Macnamara

Richard Wham <richard@wham.org> wrote:
Thanks for the kind words. I'm honored to keep the Panamint web site up and running as long as I can. We (the USA) owe all you WW II vets more than words can state! "Crossing the Line" is described on our Panamint web site, and Dad's crossing document is posted. Well, I think of Dad's death of another Crossing the Line event. We will all cross it someday.
Just seeing your signature below with the words "USS Panamint 44-46", and knowing that you and Dad were on the same ship at the same time gives me a real sense of connection to you and all your shipmates.
Who knows, maybe my wife and I will pop up at the reunion.
The current information about the reunion is now posted on the web site: http://www.wham.org/Panamint/

----- Original Message -----
From: walter sutter
To: Richard Wham
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: Panamint Reunion
Just read the note on the passing of you Dad. We of the USS PANAMINT AGC 13
Shipmates and reunion members extend our deepest sympathy to you and your family.
----- Original Message -----

From: Richard Wham
To: walter sutter
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: Panamint Reunion
Thanks for the information. It is now posted on the Panamint web site: http://www.wham.org/Panamint/
Sorry to inform you that my Dad, Lt. jg, Fred L. Wham, Jr., died March 13, just a few hours short of his 96th birthday. I have attached a thank you note. Let me know if you can't open either version.
Good luck on your reunion. I will keep the Panamint web site "alive" as long as I can. Tell people to keep sending me messages to post on the message board (and whatever else they want to put on the site.)
Dick Wham,
Henderson, KY
--- Original Message -----

From: walter sutter
To: Richard Wham
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 8:22 AM
Subject: Panamint Reunion
The 16th. Annual reunion of the USS PANAMINT AGC 13
will be held in Washington, D.C. September 14-18. 2006.
Staying at the Sheraton Crystal City Hotel in Arlington, VA
Room rate for the reunion - $95.00 + tax.
Reservation deadline for hotel is August 28, 2006
Complimentary shuttle service from Ronald Regan International Airport.
Registration for reunion: Deadline is August 1, 2006
Registration fee: $65.00 per person
CONTACT: Walter Sutter (wpsasutter@msn.com)
for more information
----- Original Message -----
From: walter sutter
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 8:34 AM
Subject: USS Panamint
Shipmate, Edward Farrell, of 65 Gauthier Rd, Barre, MA passed away
on January 30, 2006.

----- Original Message -----
From: walter sutter
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2006 1:59 PM
Subject: Fw: Re: Ed Fitzgerald
I received this information today from Ted Brenthoover. We will all miss Ed.
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2006 1:31 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Ed Fitzgerald

Ed is no longer with us. I' m glad he passed away peacefully.

Ed was a QM2 aboard the USS PANAMINT and, unknown to most who knew Ed,
he attained the rank of full Commander following his service in WW II.
He made contributions to the establishment of the AGC Flagship Alliance
in his capacity of being a lawyer and, along with me, formed the AGC/LCC
- All Ships Group for those who became disenchanted with the Alliance.

Ed will be sorely missed by all his friends and acquaintances. May he
rest in peace.

Ted B.


9/24/2006  Will the grandson of Clarence Johnson who called me last week wanting information about his grandfather who served on The panamint please email me as he said he would. I believe he served on Admiral Fletchers staff. I will see he gets on the mailing list. He lives in Texas. Thank you.
Joe Brusca

----- Original Message -----
From: walter sutter
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:08 AM
Subject: Passing of a Panamint's crewmember's wife

Betty Manning, wife of John (Ace) Manning passed away Saturday, September 23, 2006.


----- Original Message -----
From: charles
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:49 PM
Subject: USS Panamint

My name is Charles H. Merritt, I was an RM2 in K division aboard the USS Panamint during
WWii.  I was part of the commissioning crew, in I believe was Bayonne, N.J. The ship went through to Panama Canal on its way to the Pacific. I was aboard the ship during the invasion of Okinawa. As a matter of fact I was the radio operator who first contacted the Japanese with instructions from ADM Reifschnider as to how the Japanese Naval forces present were to have their ships ready before our U.S. Naval units entered  port. It was a long time ago but I still remember it.  I am now 81 years old and live in Santee, Calif. which is close to San Diego.

                   Charles H. Merritt, CTC USN RET.
                     10730B Holly Meadows Dr.
                      Santee, Ca, 92071


From: walter sutter
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 3:39 PM
Subject: Deceased members of USS Panamint AGC 13

Have just been informed of the passing of
        Charles Harben
        Philip Goldstein

Both of the members lived in PA.

From: Cari Farrow
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 5:52 PM
Subject: Howard Moore - USS Panamint

Hello -
I am the daughter of Howard Moore, who served on the USS Panamint in World War II. As my father died on October 6, 2004, I don't know the exact years he served, but I believe it was 1944 or 1945. He was a radio operator. Did anybody know him? I have photos of him in Hawaii in 1945 on the beach with someone named Andy (no last name given on back of photo) and another picture with someone named Andy and Jack. If anyone knows my father or these 2 men that were in the photos with him (sorry I can't provide last names), please contact me at carifarrow2002@yahoo.com.  I would sure love to find out more information about the Panamint and about any stories from anyone who knew my father. He was very proud of his military service, yet didn't like to talk about it much.

Thank you very much,

Cari Farrow


The 2007 USS Panamint Reunion will be held in
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee on September 10-14, 2007.

If you didn't receive a copy of the registration
papers, please contact Walter Sutter at
rebelgram@verizon.net and one will be forwarded
to you.

----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Weidenbach
To: richard@wham.org
Cc: Masaji Hasebe
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:00 PM
Subject: Panamint - Hokkaido surrender

Greetings Richard,
I&rsquo;m trying to find out information about the September 9, 1945 Japanese surrender aboard USS Panamint.
Most specifically, if anyone can provide photo images of the event, or any other types of detail, info, etc.
Here at Battleship Missouri Memorial, we are continuously searching for information about the &ldquo;other&rdquo; surrenders.
News of the Panamint Hokkaido surrender has only just come to our attention.

Best regards,

Mike Weidenbach,Curator
Battleship Missouri Memorial
63 Cowpens St.
Honolulu, HI 96818



----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam Frank" <AFrank@uca.edu>
To: <rawham@wham.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 3:34 AM
Subject: USS Panamint

I am the son of Milton Frank, who served as a photographer's mate aboard the Panamint in 1944-45. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who knew him at that time. My Dad is living in Tucson (where I was born and raised) in an independent living facility.  His health has not been great the last couple of years, but his mind is working great. He' s never spoken in great detail about his days aboard the Panamint, so finding this website was like opening a treasure chest. Thanks to those of you who have kept it going.

Adam Frank

Adam Frank
Assistant Professor of Asian Studies
Honors College, University of Central Arkansas
McAlister Hall 301-B
UCA Box 5024
201 Donaghey Avenue
Conway, AR  72035
(501) 450-3486


Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 8:39 PMTo: Panamint/Richard WhamSubject: Passing of Panimint member

 We just heard of the passing of  John (Jack) Manning.Our deepest sympathy to his family.

*********************************************  From: "Adam Frank" <AFrank@uca.edu>
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2009 7:34 PM
To: "Richard Wham" <richard@wham.org>
Subject: Re: USS Panamint

RE:  Milton Frank, who served as a photographer's mate aboard the Panamint in 1944-45
> Dear Dick,
> Thank you for your note and for keeping us informed about the Panamint and
> its crew. My dad passed on on March 28th after a long illness. While he
> would not have been able to come even if he had made it to Memorial Day,
> I'm sure he would have been happy to know about the reunion.
> Best to you and your family,
> Adam
RE:  Vilma Pupo
From:  Walter Sutter
Subject: Fw: Vilma
I am forwarding Al's message to all of you.
Vilma was a beautiful lady. May she rest in peace.
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Al and her family.
----- Original Message -----
From: Albert Pupo
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 3:54 PM
Subject: Vilma
It is with deep regret that I inform you of the death of my wife Vilma, she passed away at 6:45 this morning.
Al Pupo


 From: "Gail & Clark" <doubleeagle9@tampabay.rr.com>
 Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 2:39 PM
 To: "Richard Wham" <richard@wham.org>
 Subject: Re: Vilma Pupo

         Mr Pupo,I met your beloved Vilma last year when I stopped by your
 Florida Panamint gathering to see my 2nd set of parents, the Sutters.She
 was such a delightful person and hostess and we had breast cancer
 suvivorship in common.I was very shocked and saddened when Shirley
 forwarded info to me after that time that Vilma had been stricken again
 w/cancer and I sent a card to her.My heartfelt sympathy I extend to
 you.May God give you strength and peace.Sincerely,Gail
 DeGroat,Lakeland,Fl.(formerly of Rome N.Y.)

From: boats1183@aol.com
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 7:18 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:

Dear Sir,
My name is Dennis Perry and as a former amphib Sailor I am writing in regards to my Uncle Robert Samuel Byerly (723 66 04), he enlisted in the Navy 20 May 1944 and was discharged on 25 May 1946. During his time in he was stationed at NTS Sampson, NY, NTS Newport, RI and served onboard USS Panamint (AGC 13) as a AS, S 2c, F 2c, and a F 1c during WWII. His original NAVPERS -553 states that he served foreign and/or sea service during the war and was awarded the WWII Victory Medal, American Area Campaign Medal and the Asia Pacific Area Campaign Medal(1star). What I am wondering is, I am sending for his medals for my Aunt as Bob passed away last year and I noticed on one of the web sites that the crew earned the Navy Occupation Service Medal (w/asia clasp) as well, is there any way to find out if he was still stationed onboard Panamint during this time and he is entitled to this award as well, maybe you have access to the ships log to see when he was transferred. I am not sure but I would be indebted to you for your assistance in this matter. Thank you in advance.

Dennis S. Perry
2450 Point Pleasant Way
Toledo, OH 43611
(419) 469-2568


From: Richard Tuttle
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 3:49 PM
To: richard@wham.org
Subject: USS Panamint
My father Rex S. Tuttle served on the USS panamint during WWII. We have several pictures and a lot of them are the same as I have seen looking at site. We have pictures of the ship that are in perfect condition. One when it was new and one a year later. We have two of the Year books and I have found it interesting. I knew they existed but my mother had them stored away, My dad passed away in 1982.
Richard E. Tuttle
Veteran of U.S. Army
Served in Viet Nam.
From: "Richard Tuttle" <rictut@abcmetals.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:39 AM
To: <richard@wham.org>
Subject: USS Panamint

> My name is Richard Tuttle, My father Rex s. Tuttle served on the
> Panamint during WW11.  I believe he was on board when it left NJ through
> he Panama Canal and into the Pacific.  My family has some pictures of
> the Ship when it was new and one year later.  Large difference in
> appearance.
> I have been reading things on the web site and find it interesting.
> Richard Tuttle
> rictut@abcmetals.com

From: rdferguson77@aol.com
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 3:47 PM
To: Richard@wham.org
Subject: USS Panamint
My name is Richard Ferguson and I found out today that one of my Great Uncles was on the U.S.S Panamint. Due to the timing I believe it was my Great Uncle George "Yutch" Miller, who passed on quite a few years ago. I would like to know if there is a list of the men who served on this ship and when they may have been on it, as I am doing some geneology work. Also, are there any articles or anything that tell the story of this ship? Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
Richard Ferguson
Temperance, MI

Richard, did you know him?

On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 9:23 PM, Richard Wham <richard@wham.org> wrote:
This link you sent me directed me to Ancestry.com, however there was no obituary notice there - maybe on has to be a member to view it.
In any case, if you can send me the information, I'll post it on the message page on the web site.
From: Krista and Dave
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 11:07 AM
To: richard@wham.org
Subject: USS Panamint
Hi. I hope this email finds you well. I'm hoping you can help me. I'm searching for information on my uncle who served on the USS PANAMINT during WW2. His name is Thomas H Whalen. Here is a copy of his obituary.  I was wondering if you or any of your "buddies" that were on the ship remember or knew him? Maybe have some pictures around with him in it? I only met him once and I don't really know what he looks like. Richard, did you know him?
Thanks for any help and info you can give me.
WHALEN, Thomas H. - At peace with the Lord, Dec. 1, 2001, in South San Francisco. Loving husband of Vera; loving father of John and Richard Canty, Judy Whalen, Joanne Luvchenko, Joseph Whalen; loving grandfather of Joseph Petrovich and Ryan Canty; and numerous nephews and nieces. Native of Boston, age 82; retired from CalTrans, 20 years; active in Cal State Employees Assn.; Navy veteran of WWII, USS Panamint; volunteer at Laguna Honda Hospital, 1988- 2000; member of Forest Hill Christian Church, SF. Family and friends are invited to attend a Memorial Service at 11 a.m., Saturday, Jan. 5, 2002, at Forest Hill Christian Church, 250 Laguna Honda Blvd., SF. In lieu of flowers, the family prefers donations to SF Gospel Mission, 219 6th St., PO Box 420946, SF 94142, or your favorite charity.
From: Dan Tietjen
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 2:57 PM
To: richard@wham.org
Subject: USS Panamint


According to my grandmother, my grandfather served on the USS Panamint in 1945/1946. I believe he was serving during Operation Crossroads.
He passed away over 30 years ago, so I'm looking for information about him. I came across your website, which is great, and I'm wondering if there may be a way to find out if anyone involved in the reunions may remember him.
Please let me know if you think there may be any possibility of finding that out.

Thank you,
Dan Tietjen, grandson of Joseph Imbimbo

From: pnsy17shop@comcast.net
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 10:41 PM
To: richard@wham.org
Cc: wsutter@twcny.rr.com
Subject: USS Panamint ACG 13
Sirs: Ron Reeves here for www.navsource.org I was wondering if you may have any additional information of who was the CO in 1946 to add to the two we already have ? They are: CAPT Edwin Elmore Woods, 14.10.1944 to 10.08.1945 CAPT William Bromley Ammon, 10.08.1945 to ? CAPT Ammon's XO was CDR J. B. Mc Auliffe (have full name ?) could he have relieved Ammon in 1946 and took ship to Decommissioning ? I do not think the date of January 1947 is correct, and I can find that out for you. Thank You, for your assistance. Ron Reeves


News of Death of Ernest Cliff Buffum
Ernest Cliff Buffum Obituary Notice (link)

Ernest Cliff Buffum
13 Rockland Drive
Old Orchard Beach, MA  04064


From: Anne Marie Macnamara
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 2:11 PM
To: Dick Buffum
Cc: WALTER SUTTER ; Richard Wham
Subject: Re: USS Panamint (AGC 13)

Dear Dick:
Thank you for your note about your Dad's passing and the beautiful Obituary. I am, and I know that all of us associated with the Panamint Family will be, very sorry to hear of your loss.  The Obituary was well-written and made me feel that I knew your Dad personally.  It sounds as though he was a great guy and a credit to his family, community, and friends. 
By this note, I am forwarding your information to our Secretary, Shirley Sutter, and her husband, Walt, our Treasurer, so that it can be included in our next Newsletter; and to our Webkeeper, Dick Wham, for posting to our website.  http://www.wham.org/Panamint/, so that all of Dad's shipmates will be aware of the loss.
I know that your Dad did not attend our reunions lately, but thought you might want to be aware that the Panamint crewmembers stage an annual reunion.  Most of the men bring wives only, but many bring their children and grandchildren to celebrate with them.  We have been fortunate to have some widows attend as well. In this way, we have been able to renew the ranks of the Panamint with the younger generations and keep the traditions going.  We always have a Memorial Service during the reunion weekend, at which all of that year's deceased members are read and honored.  This year, your Dad's name will be read.
This year. our reunion will take place in the NYC area and headqartered in Jersey City, NJ.  Our Memorial Service will be held in Hoboken, NJ, from which the Panamint was launched after its retrofitting.  If you would care to join us for any of the events between September 23-27, please let me know.  If you would like more information about the reunion, please go to our website.  We would be so pleased if you could join us.
Once again, please accept my sincerest condolences on the loss of your father.
With kind regards,
Anne Marie Macnamara
203-222-7651 (h)
203-952-9276 (c)
(Daughter-in-law of Panamint's Surgeon, Dr. William Macnamara)

From: Dick Buffum <dbuffum@maine.rr.com>
To: annemacnra@snet.net
Sent: Sun, June 13, 2010 4:08:42 PM
Subject: USS Panamint (AGC 13)

To Anne Marie, 

I wanted to inform the appropriate individuals that my father, Ernest Cliff Buffum, who served on the USS Panamint, passed away April 30, 2010.  I have included his obituary as an attachment.  I located your email address on paperwork having to do with the Panimint’s 20th reunion but if you are not the individual to receive such information, please advise me otherwise.  I thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. 

Dick Buffum  


From: WALTER SUTTER Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 8:51 AM
Subject: Panamint crewmember passes away
Just wanted you to know that another crewmember of the USS Panmaint AGC 13 has passed away. Cheatham Hodges passed away on Feb 27th. 

His address and wife's name is
Joan Hodges
2749 Sand Hollow Ct.
Clearwater, FL 33761


Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 3:15 PM

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Subject: Surgery for a crewmember of the USS Panamint

We have just been informed of pending triple by-pass surgery for

George Gibson

on September 8, 2010. 

He was planning on attending the Hoboken, NJ reunion but

health comes first.



From: <jbsilvers@earthlink.net>

Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 4:53 PM

Subject: panamint

> My father Leon Silberschein was a radio tech on the Panamint during WW2.  (He's in the Radio Technician Gang photo.)  My dad rarely spoke about the war, and since his death in 2005 I've been trying to assemble the few fragments I have into a cohesive picture.  I'd welcome the chance to get in touch with anyone who knew him.

> Many thanks.

> Jonathan Silvers


> Saybrook Productions Ltd.

> 11 West 42nd Street

> 17th Floor

> New York, NY 10036

> 212.852.7328


October 21, 2010

Hello everyone! 

      My father, Stanley Charles Dalton,  was a CIC Officer on board the Panamint from June to August 1946 and during this brief time took part in the Atomic tests. He died in 1995 and only now has my mother let me sift through his Navy belongings and I have scanned several pieces that maybe some would like to see. I have lots more, but must take the time to scan them all. If anyone knew my Dad please let me know. Thank you....John N. Dalton jhndltn@yahoo.com.    

!. Picture of my father top left farthest at the top. 

2. "Cruise" schedule for Operation Crossroads



Subject: USS Panamint

We are sad to inform you that GEORGE STANTON passed away

January 6, 2011. Our deepest sympathy to his family from all

the shipmates and members of the USS Panamint AGC 13.


From: Linda Manchester <lmanch2@verizon.net.> 


Subject: Panamint member deceased

Peter Sarantapoulas died on July 25,2010.



Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 9:45 AM

Subject: Prayer Chain - February 26

Prayers are needed for Brenda Prosser.


From: "Leslie Miguel" <leslie.miguel@gmail.com>

Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 9:52 AM

To: <richard@wham.org>

Subject: USS Panamint 1944-1945 Crew

Re:   Michael Joseph Coleman s1c, AS, V6

I'm looking for Michael Jospeph Coleman s1c As v6; he passed in 1955 and never made any reunion.
I wondered if you ever posted the list of the crew that served at that time under Woods in Okinawa?

I'm asking if anyone knew him, has anything to share about him and has a company photo to share. He served on board from Oct 1944 to Aug 1945.  He was 36 when he joined in 1944, making him an older s1c, perhaps.

He is our 2n great grandfather, and I just discovered he was part of this history

Thank you!

 Best,  Leslie


From: Linda Manchester <lmanch2@verizon.net>
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 11:30 AM

Subject: Re: Panamint member deceased

Received another death notification of John Nowak on July 24, 2010, he was a gunners mate on the Panamint.


Does anyone have a complete crew listing?  If so, please send a copy  to richard@wham.org


From: Gottwald, Tim

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 7:11 AM

To: richard@wham.org

Subject: Ross Gottwald served on the Panamint

My father Ross G. Gottwald served on the Panamint in WWII as a gunner’s mate. He passed last Friday. It just seemed appropriate to notify those others who served on the same ship. I am wondering if anyone remembered Ross.

Thank you

Tim Gottwald

Tim R. Gottwald, Ph.D.
Research Leader/Plant Pathology
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory
2001 South Rock Road
Fort Pierce, FL 34945
Phone: 772-462-5883
Fax: 772-462-5983



March 26, 2014  Message from Thomas J. Hollis

This is to honor Thomas B. Hollis’ (my father’s) brave and courageous WWII Navy service, the U.S.S. Panamint and its servicemen.

During the Battle of Okinawa, an important part of ending WWII,  servicemen of the of U.S.S. Panamint, including my father, a senior officer, served and protected it during two months of hard battle.  This included surviving nightly kamikaze suicide plane attacks, torpedo attacks, and bombing runs.  Dad helped maintain watch over the ship during kamikaze attacks and rather than fear this duty, he relished it.  The Battle of Okinawa (spring of 1945) was the largest gathering of naval ships in history, with over 1300 U.S. and Allied ships gathered to help invading ground forces take this key island that over 100,000 Japanese troops occupied.   Okinawa was an important stepping stone to create a base to later invade mainland Japan if needed.  The U.S.S. Panamint was a historically important ship and very sophisticated for its time, serving as the flagship for Rear Admiral L. F. Reifsnider, Commander Amphibious Group Four, during the Battle of Okinawa, making it a special target.   It also served as the commanding ship of an assault force that captured the island of Ie Shima off the northwest part of Okinawa during this battle.

The nationally acclaimed war journalist Ernie Pyle was aboard the Panamint a few days before he was killed on Ie Shima by enemy fire.  The U.S.S. Panamint also received a Japanese delegation including their Vice Admiral of the Northern Japan Navy where they formally signed surrender papers aboard the Panamint in early September 1945.  Dad was part of this history and was the officer on deck who guided the U.S.S. Panamint through Japanese waters where it anchored for the surrender ceremony.

Dad loves the Navy and worked his way up through the ranks through sheer hard work, dedication and determination, in the same manner that he has lived his long productive life.  He first joined the Navy as an enlisted pharmacist’s mate in March, 1942, before ultimately leaving the Navy reserves in June 1954 as a battle-hardened Lieutenant (senior grade).  After first serving at the Philadelphia Naval Hospital helping care for mentally incapacitated servicemen in 1942, my father traveled on his own volition to Washington DC to petition for approval to enter the Navy’s special  “90 Day Wonder” accelerated officer training course at Notre Dame for the winter of 1942-1943.  He graduated from this difficult training program that had an approximate 50% failure rate (300 men out of 600 did not make it) as a commissioned Ensign officer and then served aboard the U.S.S. Miantonomah minelayer out of Virginia Beach during 1943.  During this time he traveled to Trinidad to lay mines and was promoted to Lieutenant (junior grade).    After transferring off the U.S.S. Miantonomah (which was soon attacked and sunk, with many of that ship’s crew losing their lives), during 1943 and 1944 Dad was stationed at the naval base in Newport Rhode Island.  Here he helped train enlisted men with whom he would later serve aboard the U.S.S. Panamint.   My mother fortunately was able to be with Dad during his duty at Virginia Beach and Newport, after marrying in June 1942 (Dad was dressed in his navy uniform for his wedding!)  He went out to sea again for the next year aboard the U.S.S. Panamint, sailing from Hoboken NJ in October 1944, ultimately departing the U.S.S. Panamint in Adak, Alaska in October 1945 after the war ended.  I’ve enclosed a copy of the ship’s history log which documents its long journey. 

Dad had several important functions on the U.S.S. Panamint and was eventually promoted to Lieutenant (senior grade).  Those duties included serving as the officer on deck, serving as gunnery officer in charge of the ships stern’s armaments, handling very sensitive communications, etc.  He helped the ship survive kamikaze attacks during the two and a half months in the Okinawa battle target area.  He also helped guide the U.S.S. Panamint as the “officer on deck” through Japanese waters near their Ominato naval base for the northern Japanese navy’s official surrender in early September 1945.  The formal surrender ceremony took place aboard the U.S.S. Panamint.  After the ship sailed to Alaska in October, the U.S.S. Panamint’s Captain Woods asked Dad to stay aboard as his Executive Officer; Dad would have been given a spot promotion to Commander and effectively been second in command of the U.S.S. Panamint.  His first choice was to accept this great opportunity and make the Navy his career, but Dad instead came home to take care of his wife Eleanor and newborn daughter Judy.  As he has done so often in his life, Dad sacrificed for the sake of his family.  He did serve in the Naval Reserves for another nine years.

Sincerely, Tom

Thomas J. Hollis

Honor Memorial

Hollis Plaque


-----Original Message-----
From: wsutter@twcny.rr.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 5:27 AM
To: Richard Wham
Subject: Walter Sutter

This is to let you and those who are still interested in the news of the
Panamint that Walter Sutter passed away on October 18, 2014.


From: laurie sanders
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2015 4:13 PM
To: richard@wham.org
Subject: USS PANAMINT ~ Capture of Ie Shima
I have a photograph of my grandfather, Admiral Lawrence F. Reifsnider, accepting the surrender of the Japanese at Ie Shima - on board PANAMINT, which was his flagship.
The photograph and a copy of the orders for the capture of Ie Shima from ADM Turner are attached here.
Another little piece of history for you...
I'd love a response...
Sincerely, Laurie Sanders


On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 8:51 AM, <richard@wham.org> wrote:
Thank you very much! My dad, Lt. Fred L. Wham, Jr. was communications officer on Admiral Reifsnider’s staff, so he was on the ship at the time this picture was taken. It sends a chill down my back as I am writing this. I will put this picture and your message on the Panamint web site as soon as possible. This is a great addition! I know you are very proud of your grandfather. He had quite a naval career!
Dick Wham, Henderson, KY


From: laurie sanders
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2015 3:16 PM
To: richard@wham.org
Subject: Re: USS PANAMINT ~ Capture of Ie Shima
Dick ~ "Shivers down the spine" does not begin to cover my reaction to your email regarding your Father and "Reifie". I've revisited that photo many times since I resurrected it to send to you...and have done more reading of my files since yesterday. It took me FOREVER to receive Reifie's service record from the Records Center in St. Louis ~ which I finally accomplished in 2009.....and it has helped to establish a bit of a chronology for me.

Was it not for your wonderful message board, I still would have no timeline as to the date of the photograph. At least now I have "September 1945". Have looked everywhere and cannot find an actual day. Have read and reread the Board with much interest....

Was your Father "a lifer" or did he go on to a civilian career? My Father was Gunnery Officer on board USS NEW ORLEANS in Pearl on December 7th, '41. We were living in Honolulu at the time; my Mother and I were evacuated on Christmas Day that year. At some point, he and Reifie caught up with one another in the Pacific....but that's another bizarre story for another time...

Switching gears, the handwriting to the left of this typewritten piece in my Grandfather's hand is the message "war correspondent's version of our attack". Unfortunately, I do not have the genesis of this and suspect that "Robbin Coons" authored the following piece, embedded with the USAC 24th. So, perhaps it was Ernie Pyle to whom he was referring?

The plot thickens!

Back to "The Lucky 13": It's interesting that nowhere in my pile of "stuff" is a reference to the ship herself...only to Amphib Group 4.

In any event, I am very proud to be a "new" member of the PANAMINT family and super-proud to be a part of USN tradition dating back to the Civil War.

Take care, Laurie


From: richard@wham.org
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2015 5:37 PM
To: laurie sanders
Subject: Fw: My Dad
Good to hear from you. Sorry I have not added you material to the web site yet. I’ll try to get in done this evening. The attached is poor quality, but it is what it is. This is a “copy of a copy of a copy” Panamint publication. I will be adding the rest of it in the near future.
Thanks for the compliments on the Panamint Web site. There’s a long story about how I got involved in doing it, but it’s been a “labor of love”. I’m sending you this link because I do not know if you came across it on the web site. 

Dad was a reserve officer, enlisting in 1942. It was a mixture of patriotism and perceived practicality. He was born March, 1910. So he would have been 32 years old when he enlisted. He was an attorney, just getting his practice going in his (and mine) home town, Centralia, Illinois. He applied for a commission in the navy, thinking that if accepted, his pay as an officer would provide better for my mom, brother, and me. If drafted as a private, we would have a tough time. I can remember him returning from St. Louis after getting a physical exam with marks on his belly, chest, etc. for what purpose I do not know. He said he could not become a submarine person, because the his bite was not proper for the breathing escape apparatus. Being over six feet tall, he said a sub would have been somewhat cramped for him.

Being a Republican, he was always somewhat cynical about the federal government, and his assignment by the navy, added to his feeling. Being a college graduate and law school (University of Illinois) graduate, he thought he would be placed in some kind of legal or administrative role. But he said that on his long placement question and answer form, he said he took touch typing in high school. The navy said – “A ha, he will be trained as a communications officer.” The real irony was that after he really became a communication officer, he did not do any typing. He said he always had a corpsman doing the typing.

Being older that most of the fresh enlistees, he said they often call him “Dad”. He was assigned to Admiral Reifsnider’s command staff, so he followed your grandfather’s assignment when they went to the Panamint. As I read about you and your mom living at Pearl Harbor on December 7, another one of my “back chills” occurred. If things been a little different you, your mom, or your dad would not have survived the day. Fate is fickle, and we are all subject to its twists and turns. When I was first gathering information about the Panamint I came across the story of “..prepare to take torpedo..” when the Panamint was at anchor. My first reading of that event brought tears to my eyes, (even now while typing this, they are a little blurry). I could not even begin to imagine how the lives of my mom, brother, and me would have played out, if my dad had not returned! I have been so blessed. I was born in 1933, 23 years after my mom and dad. They both lived to be 96! So I shared their support and love for the first 73 years of my life! That is a stroke of luck that most people do not have.
After reading about the close encounter, I asked dad if he remembered hearing the announcement. He said he did, but he was down in the radio room, and according to him there was little he could do. He didn’t seem to be to worked up about it one way or the other. Even though we were always very close, he didn’t talk much about the war. He did tell us about meeting Ernie Pyle on the Panamint a day or two before he was killed.
I have rambled on enough. I work on the web site tonight. If it’s all right with you, I will post on the message the exchange of messages between you and me. Let me know.


To post a message on this page, send email to richard@wham.org . 

 Return to Main Panamint page.